Serving North Carolina for over 25 years

Buy or Sell a business or commercial real estate with an established and successful NC business brokerage and commercial real estate company.

The High Country

The High Country

The Triad

The Triad

Asheville / Charlotte

Asheville / Charlotte

Want to buy an established business, commercial real estate or land?

Then you want the real estate and brokerage services offered by the professionals at Blue Ridge Brokerage!

Buy a business and control your own destiny!

We have no up-front or “signing” fee. We have no minimum fee.

Our business and real estate brokerage fees are very fair and our commercial real estate fees, are very competitive.

Many of our offerings feature owner financing …. No bank needed!

And last, but not least, we work hard for YOU, our client. We work everyday, many nights and weekends. Blue Ridge Brokerage was founded on principles of fairness and trust.

My partner and I have bought and sold numerous commercial properties and it is not an exaggeration to say we have never worked with a more professional agent.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated (especially all of the little things that no one would expect from a realtor).  Thank you for hanging in there and helping us sell a difficult property for very good value.

Mark Moreland

A friend of our referred us to Blue Ridge Brokerage and David Conrad when we mentioned we were thinking about selling our home management business. We were unsure if we could sell being that we were not a contract base business. After speaking with David, we felt very confident in selling the business. He helped us tremendously with calculating what the business was worth. He walked us through every step along the way all the way to closing. He kept in contact with us and did an awesome job advertising. We would highly recommend David as your next commercial realtor.

Lynn and Tanya Meadows
Appalachian Home Services

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